
Excitement is in the air! We've been seeking out the latest modern designs offered in unique furniture collections that offer an individual style. Our thoughts on this are something slightly out of the norm. Dogberry Collections is the first of the bunch to come to life. They've created something truly unique. Each sliding barn door is hand crafted and custom built for you. They offer a creative flair that is unsurpassed.


Our next addition is from our Exclusive Studio 9 Collection. The best affordable modern outdoor furniture is here! Weather resistant patio furniture that will stand the test of time. Offered in complete sets or customize and create your own all weather conversation set only at Studio 9 Furniture!


Bowron Sheepskins is our newest addition to custom creating the most amazing wool area rug.  Select the best rug size and color of your choice to create a luxurious floor covering that suits your personal style. These designer wool rugs are absolutely stunning!


Ironwood Hardware... Hands Down, amazing quality and a wide variety of styles and finishes! Custom barn door hardware created by hand just for you is just the beginning. Hand crafted and stained mantel shelving, custom door slabs for interiors and exteriors and quick ship hardware offered in the most amazing modern designs. It's a great solution for a unique home interior design that will truly reflect your style and flair!